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Monday, March 9, 2009

LESSON 01 P1 --- Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW)

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Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) The Greatest Reformer
A reformer is the one who brings about reforms in a society. Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) was not only a preacher of religion but also the greatest reformer of the world. Without him, the world would not have been improved. He (SAWW) was sent to reform the whole of the mankind. When he started preaching God’s message, the idol worshippers of Arabia became civilized people.
.Before the advent of Islam, there were very few people who could read or write. He advised the Muslims to get themselves educated and increase their knowledge. He made education compulsory not only for men but also for women. They set themselves to acquire knowledge as a religious obligation. He took steps to promote literacy and love of learning. In the battle of Badr, the Muslims caught some enemies as prisoners of war. Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) asked the educated non Muslim prisoners to teach the children of the Muslims to read and write. On this condition they would get freedom. It shows his love for education and learning.
Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) disliked arrogance and pride. He said that an Arab was nor superior to a non-Arab or a white to a black. He believed that all were the sons of Adam. No one was superior to another on the basis of caste, colour or creed. For him, the standard of superiority was piety. He united the scattered tribes and nation who felt pride in serving the humanity. Brotherhood became the way of their life.
It was due to his teachings that the slaves also attained equal rights. They flourished in every walk of life without any discrimination. A cousin of Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW), whose name was Hazrat Zainab (RA) was married to a freed slave Zaid bin Harris (RA). Hazrat Salman Farsi (RA) was a slave and Hazrat Imam Hussain Basri (RA) was the son of a slave. Both of them were men of dignity.

Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) was against the earning of money without efforts. He was against the exploitation of the poor by the rich. Therefore, he took radical steps to eradicate usury. He was also strictly against bribery. Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar (R.A.) said that he was not allowed to boast of his wealth and status. It was because these things might create the symptoms of pride and arrogance.
Before the advent of Islam, women were created in a very inhumane manner. Most of the girls were burnt or buried alive in their childhood. Islam emphasized the equality of rights of men and women. Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) gave women the right of inheritance in property and wealth.
Before Islam, the Arabs used force to settle their disputes. Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) introduced judicial procedure t o check cruelty and injustice. Judges were appointed to settle the individual or party manners. In short, laws were made for the promotion of an ideal family and social set up. For the first time in history, the savage Arabs were introduced to the rules of politeness and civilized manners.
It were these reforms, which brought an Islamic revolution in the life of the Arabs. These reforms laid the foundation of a new nation and a new Islamic society, which was tolerance spirit and humane by heart.
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Q:1 Answer these questions.
i) Who is a reformer?
Ans: A reformer is one who brings about reforms in a society.
ii) What was the result of Hazrat Muhammad's (SAWW) teachings on the people of Arabia?
Ans: The teaching of Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) turned the idol worshippers of Arabia into a civilized nation.
iii) What condition was imposed on the prisoners of the battle of Badr?
Ans: They were asked to teach the children of Muslims to read and write to get freedom.
iv) What was the condition of women before the advent of Islam?
Ans: Before the arrival of Islam, women were treated in a very inhuman manner. Most of the girls were burnt or buried alive in their childhood.
v) What was the system introduced by Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) to check injustice;?
Ans: Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) introduced judicial procedure to check cruelty and injustice. Judges were appointed to settle individual or party matters.
.Q:2 Fill in the blanks.
Note:- Dear students CORRECT ANSWERS are always in BOLD letters
i) Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) was the greatest reformer of the world.
ii) He (SAWW) reformed the people of Arabia.
iii) He (SAWW) advised the Muslims to get themselves educated and increase their knowledge.
iv) He (SAWW) made education compulsory not only for men but also for women.
v) In the battle of Badr the Muslims caught some enemies as prisoners of war.
vi) Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) disliked arrogance and pride.
vii) An Arab was not superior to a non-Arab or a white to a black.
viii) He believed that all were the sons of Adam (AS).
ix) Hazrat Zainab (RA) was married to a slave named Zaid bin Harris.
x) Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) gave women the right of inheritance property and wealth.
Q:3 Tick the correct answer.
Note:- Dear students CORRECT ANSWERS are always in BOLD letters.
Dear students CORRECT ANSWERS are always in BOLD letters
i) Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) was the greatest reformer of
(a) a city (b) a country (c) the world
ii) Before the event of Islam, the people of Arab used to worship
(A) sun (B) Moon (C) Idols
iii) Who was married to Hazrat Zainab (RA)?
a) Hazrat Bilal (RA) b) Hazrat Zaid bin Harris (RA) c) Hazrat Imam Hassan Basri (RA)
iv) What was the system introduced by Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) to check injustice?
a) Executive system b) Economical system c) Judicial procedure
v) The prisoners of the battle of Badr were asked to
a) do business (b) construct buildings (c) teach the children of the Muslims
Q:4 Write "T" for true statement and "F" for false statement.
(a) Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) started preaching God's message to the people of China. (F)
(b) Hazrat Abdullah (RA) was allowed to show off his wealth.(F)
© Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) gave women the right of inheritance in property and wealth.(T)
(d) Before the advent of Islam, women were treated inhumanely in Arabia.(T)
(e) The reforms of Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) laid the foundation of a new Islamic society.(T)
Q:5 Match with the correct part to make a sentence.
Dear students same colour and number matches the correct ANSWER
.A reformer is the one who (1)the Arabs became civilized people. (3)Without the Holy Prophet (PBUH) (2)
could read or write. (4)
When the The Holy Prophet (PBUH) started preaching Islam (3)
compulsory. (5)Before Islam very few people (4)to acquire knowledge as a religious obligation. (6)He made education (5)disliked arrogance and pride. (7)The Muslim men and women set (6)Zaid bin Harris. (8)Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) (7)
the world would not have been improved.(2)Hazrat Zainab (RA) was married to (8)
brings about reforms.(1)
Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) elevated (9)settle the individual or the party matters.(10)
Judges were appointed to (10)
the status of women. (9)

LESSON 01 P2 --- Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW)

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Q:1 Answer these questions?

i) Who is the greatest reformer of the world?

Ans: Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) is the greatest reformer of the world.

ii) What did Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) reforms?

Ans: He reformed faith, civilization, politics, judiciary and behaviour of the people of Arabia.
iii) How many people could read or write before the advent of Islam?

Ans: Before the advent of Islam, there were very few people who could read or write.
iv) Who advised the Muslims to get education?

Ans: Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) advised the Muslims to get education.

v) What did Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) dislike?

Ans: Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) disliked arrogance and pride.
vi) Who is father of all the human beings?

Ans: Hazrat Adam (AS) is father of all the human beings.
vii) What is the standard of superiority in Islam?

Ans: Piety is the standard of superiority in Islam.
viii) Who was Hazrat Zainab (RA)?

Ans: She was a cousin of Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW).

ix) To who was she married?

Ans: She was married to a free slave Zaid bin Harris (RA).

x) Who was Hazrat Salman Farsi?

Ans: He was a slave.

xi) Who was Hazrat Imam Hassan Basri (RA)?

Ans: He was the son of a slave.
xii) Who gave women the right of inheritance?

Ans: Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) gave women the right of inheritance in property and wealth.
Q:2 Fill in the blanks suitable verbs?

i) Without him, the world would not have been proved.

ii) They set themselves to acquire knowledge as a religious obligation.

iii) The Holy Prophet (SAWW) took steps to promote literacy and love of learning.

iv) Before Islam, the Arabs used force to settle their disputes.

v) The Holy Prophet (SAWW) introduced judicial procedure.

Q:3 Encircle the correct answers of the following Multiple Choice Questions?

i) There were very few people who could read or(a) think (b) teach (c) learn (d) write
ii) The idol worshippers of Arabia turned into a _________(a) simple people (b) standard people (c) civilized people (d) clever people
iii) He (SAWW) took steps to promote _______ and love for learning.(a) Country (b) literacy (c) laws (d) business

iv) Laws were made for _______(a) Strangers (b) Women (c) Children (d) Every one
v) On this condition they would get ________(a) Coins (b) promotion (c) freedom (d) education
vi) The Arabs settled their disputes in the earlier days with _____(a) love (b) unity (c) manners (d) sword and violence
vii) They set themselves to acquire knowledge as a religious ________(a) things (b) rite (c) festival (iv) obligation
viii) When the Holy Prophet (SAWW) preached God's message the idol worshippers became?(a) civilized (b) foolish (c) stupid (d) united
ix) The _______ of women were established(a) rights (b) rites (c) writes (d) duties
Q:4 Write "True" or "False"?


(a) The rights of women were established (T)

(b) The Muslims made great progress in every field of life. (T)

© The Arabs turned into a civilized people. (T)

(d) The Holy Quran teaches us brotherhood and honesty (T)

(e) A reformer is one who does not bring about reforms in a society (F)

(f) The Holy Prophet (SAWW) introduced judicial procedure.(T)

(g) After embracing Islam the people became idol worshipper.(F)

(h) If we are united we are weak. (F)

(i) Justice is the golden rule of the Muslim community (T)

(j) The non Muslims worship only one God (F)


Q:5 Match the column "A" with column "B" and write your answer in column "C".

They became a (1)

The earning of money without efforts(3)

The teachings of (2)

Inheritance in property and wealth.(5)

Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) was against (3)

Strong Muslim community(1)

Most of the girls were burnt(4)

The Holy Quran inspire us.(2)

Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) gave women the right of (5)

Or buried alive in their childhood.(4)

He advised the Muslims (6)

A slave.(10)

He took steps to (7)

Without any discrimination (9)

It was due to his teachings that(8)

The slaves also attained equal rights (8)

They flourished in every walk of life(9)

Promote literacy (7)

Hazrat Salman Farsi(RA) was(10)

To get themselves educated.(6)

LESSON 02 P1 --- Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed (RW)

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Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA) was a great warrior of Islam. He was the son of a noted leader, named Waleed bin Mugheera. He belonged to a famous family of warriors. During his youth he had attained enough skill in horse riding and sword fighting. He had also learnt other skills of warfare. He led many expeditions.When Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA) realized that Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) preached the true religion of Islam, he met the Holy Prophet (SAWW) along with his two other companion. Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) felt very pleased to receive them. Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA) embraced Islam and requested Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) to pray for his forgiveness to Allah. He promised to devote his future life to the service of Islam.Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) admired the valour and bravery of Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (R.A) and gave him the title of "Saifullah" (Sword of Allah).After the death of HazratMuhammad (SAWW) the first Khalifah Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA) appointed Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA) to command the Muslim army.During the Khilafat of Hazrat Umar (RA) (the second Khalifah), Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA) was made the Deputy Commander of the Muslim army. He accepted this post and fought in the battle of Yermuk that continued for three days. At last the Muslims won this battle due to the bravery and planning of Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA).During his lifetime as a Muslim he took part in more than twenty expeditions and did not lose a single one. There was no place on his body where he did not receive a sword cut or a wound. Despite his utmost desire, he was not martyred but died a natural death at the age of sixty one..
Q:1 Answer the questions:
(i) What do you know about Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA)? Write atleast ten sentences about him.
Ans: Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA) was the son of Waleed bin Mughaire Waleed bin Mughaire was a well known leader Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA) belonged to a famous family of warriors. He himself was a great warrior too. When he came to know the true teachings of Hazrat Muhammmad (SAWW), be became Muslim. Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) gave him the title of (Saifullah) which means the sword of Allah. He proved himself the sword of Allah winning more than twenty battles without losing in any one of these battles. When someone asked him the cause of his brilliant success in every battle he replied that all of this was due to the holy hair of Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW). He used to keep the holy hair in his cap and God gave him success in every battle. This great warrior of Islam died at the age of sixty one years.
(ii) At the time of embracing Islam, what did Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA) say to Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW)?
Ans: When Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA) embraced Islam, he requested Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) to pray for his forgiveness by Allah. He promised to devote his future life in the service of Islam.
(iii) What title was given to Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA) by Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) and why?
Ans: Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) gave him the title of "Saifullah" which means the Sword of Allah. He was given this title because he was very brave..
Lesson No.2
Q:2 Fill in the blanks:-
(i) Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA) was a great warrior of Islam.
(ii) He promised to devote his future life in the serve of Islam.
(iii) During his life time as a Muslim he took part in more than twenty battles and did not lose in a single one.
(iv) Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) admired the valour andbravery of Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA) and gave him the title of Saifullah.
(v) He accepted his post and fought in the battle of Yermuk.
(vi) He belonged to a famous family of warriors.
Q:3 Change the following sentences from the present indefinite into the present continuous.
Example: Arshad writes a letter (Present Indefinite)Arshad is writing a letter (Present Continuous)
(i) It rains heavily in Murree.
Ans: It is raining heavily in Murree.
(ii) The sun rises.
Ans: The sun is rising.
(iii) He reads his book.
Ans: He is reading his book.
(iv) Aslam writes a letter to his friend.
Ans: Aslam is writing a letter to his friend.
(v) Australia plays a cricket match with Saudi Arabia.
Ans: Australia is playing a cricket match with Saudi Arabia.
(vi) I stand on the hill top.
Ans: I am studying on the hill top.
(vii) My father exercises.
Ans: My father is exercising.
(viii) The clock strikes ten.
Ans: The clock is striking ten.
(ix) The bell rings. It's home time.
Ans: The bell is ringing it's time to go home.
(x) We walk to school.
Ans: We are walking to school.
Q:4 Translate into Urdu.
(All translations in URDU will appear soon. Please bear with us)
During his lifetime as a Muslim he took part in ore than twenty expeditions and did not lose a single one. There was no place on his body where he did not receive a sword cut or wound. Despite his utmost desire, he was not martyred but died a natural death at the age of sixty one.
Q:5 Match the part of the sentence
Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA) (1)
he took part in more than twenty battles.(2)
During his lifetime as a Muslim (2)
Waleed bin Mugheera (3)
The name of Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed's (RA) father was (3)
the first caliph of the Muslims. (5)
"Saifullah" means (4)
Sword of Allah. (4)
Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA) was (5)
was a great warrior of Islam. (1).
Q:6 The masculine gender is used for males. The feminine gender is used for females.
Gender is indicated:
a) by different words such as: Males Females King Queen Brother Sister Son Daughter.
b) by adding a prefix ()before the word) e.g. Male servant Maid servant Male doctor Lady doctor.
c) by adding suffix (after the word) e.g.Land lord Land lady He goat She goat.
d) by adding ess as shown below. Lion Lioness Host Hostess Actor Actress.
Q:7 Change these into male gender.
Female ............................................... Male
Actress .............................................. Actor
Hostess .............................................. Host
Mistress ............................................ Mister
Lioness .............................................. Lion
Tigress .............................................. Tiger.
Q:8 Write the female gender of these.
Male .................................................. Female
Hero .................................................. Heroine
Tiger ................................................. Tigress
Emperor ........................................... Empress
Doctor ............................................... Lady doctor
Land lord .......................................... Land lady
Peacock ............................................. Peahen.
i) The plural of a noun is generally formed by adding "s" to the singular.
Examples:Ship Ships Toy Toys.
i) Words ending in 's', 'sh', 'ch', or 'x' form their plural by adding 'es':
Examples:Bus Buses Dish Dishes Church Churches Box Box.
ii) By adding 'en' or 'ren':Ox Oxen Child Children.
The teacher should explain that there are some special words in which 'r' is used before suffixing 'en', like in children.
v) Words ending in 'y' preceded by a consonant form plural by changing 'y' into 'ies':
Examples:.City Cities Treaty Treaties.
vi) Words ending in 'f' and 'fe' change into 'ves':Calf Calves Knife Knives Wife Wives.
vii) Words ending in 'oof', 'ief' and 'ff' take only 's' for plural:
Examples:Roof Roofs Hoof Hoofs Chief Chiefs Dwarf Dwarfs.
viii) Some words change the vowel in the body of the word to make plural:
Examples:Man Men Woman Women Mouse Mice Foot Feet Tooth Teeth Goose Geese.
Q:10Write the plural form of these words:
Boy ....................................................................................... Boys
Girl ....................................................................................... Girls
Ship ...................................................................................... Ships
Calf ....................................................................................... Calves
Wife ...................................................................................... Wives
Knife ..................................................................................... Knives
Roof ...................................................................................... Roofs
Dwarf ................................................................................... Dwarfs
Mouse .................................................................................. Mice
Tooth ................................................................................... Teeth
Man ...................................................................................... Men
Chief ..................................................................................... Chiefs
City ....................................................................................... Cities
Bus ........................................................................................ Buses
Box ........................................................................................ Boxes
Ox .......................................................................................... Oxen
Child ...................................................................................... Children
Potato .................................................................................... Potatoes
Negro ..................................................................................... Negroes.

LESSON 03 P1 --- Kindness to Living Things

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Kindness is a great virtue. God is love and the best prayer to God is the love of His creation.
Kindness benefits both, the giver and the receiver. Kind words and kind deeds are a sure way of winning God's grace. The best and the easiest way of pleasing God is to serve mankind by wiping the tears of others in grief and sorrow. We can serve humanity through kind words of comfort, by feeding the hungry and cheering the depressed.
"Little deeds of kindness
Little deeds of love,
Make this earth an Eden,
Like the Heaven above"

All religions of the world have preached love and kindness to all living things. Kindness is not confined to human beings alone, but to all living things also. Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) warned people against cruelty to animals. He advised his people to treat them with kindness. Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) used to relate to his companions the instance of a Jewish woman. She was punished by God for starving her cat to death. Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) also used to relate another story of a woman who found a dog dying of thirst. She took off her shoe and lowered it into a nearby well and drew water from it. She gave it to the thirsty dog to drink. This good deed earned her God's forgiveness for all her previous sins.
Animal serve us in various ways. Horses, mules and donkeys are used for pulling carts on which things are transported from one place to another. Cows and goats give milk on which small children feed. We should be kind to animals, birds and even small insects, like a firefly or a bee.

Abdullah bin Masud (RA) relates, "While we were on a journey in the company of Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) we saw two young doves sitting in a nest. We caught the young baby birds. When their mother returned to the nest she began to fly wildly round the nest". When Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) arrived at the spot and came to know the incident, he (SAWW) said, "if any one of you has caught the birds, he must release them at once to comfort the mother bird."

Abdullah bin Masud (RA) relates that on another occasion they placed some straw on an anthill and set fire to it. They wer cursed by Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW).
Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) said that animals should not be branded on the face as it is a very sensitive part of the body. If at all the animal is to be branded, it should be branded on its back.
A universal law has been introduced to stop the killing of animals or treating them cruelly. There is a "Word Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals". A universal law prevents killing and hunting of animals for personal hunt. This shows the concern of this society for preventing animals from the cruelty of man.

Q:1 Answer the question.
i) Write a few lines on "Kindness is a great virtue."
Ans: Kindness is a great virtue. A kind person loves man, birds and animals. He loves and serve every one and God loves him. Therefore, kindness is a great virtue.
ii) Why should we be kind to animals and birds? Do they serve us? If so, in what ways?
Ans: Animals and birds serve us in different ways. We get milk and meat from animals. We use animals for transportation. Birds amuses in various ways. In view of all these services we should be kind to animals.
iii) Write an instance that you may have read about kindness to animals from the life of Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW).
Ans: Once Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) saw a man treating his camel cruelly. The Holy Prophet (SAWW) came back to his home. He could not sleep that might. The next day the Holy Prophet (SAWW) met that man, purchased that camel and set it free.
Imagine that you have a small zoo which you have made at home. You plan to keep birds and some domestic animals in it. You want people to be nice to your pets and not to tease them.
Make eight rules for the people who come to look at your aquarium o r the cages of birds and animals. (four for the birds and four for the animals)
Rule No. 1 Do not scare the animals.
2 Do not hit the birds with pebbles.
3. Feed banana to the monkey.
4. Do not throw banana or other peels at the animals etc. etc
Five rules for animals:
1) Do not throw things at the animals.
2) Feed ground nuts and bananas to monkeys.
3) Do not tease animals any way.
4) Keep away from cages of animals.
5) Be kind to animals and give them to eat what they like.
Five rules for birds:
1) Feed guava to parrots.
2) Do not frighten birds.
3) Do not throw harmful things in cages.
4) Give birds to eat what they like.
5) Be kind to birds and do not make a noise near their cages.
Imagine your friend has got some new birds and animals in addition to his pets. You want to know some details about these new arrivals.
Write him a letter expressing all you want to say or find out about them. Also express that you plan to make a small zoo and ask for your friend's advice.

Dear friend,
Assalam-o-Elaikum; How are you? I am fine and I wish you a happy life. I came to know through dear uncle tat you have got some new birds and animals as addition to your pets. Please write me some necessary details about these new guests of your small zoo. What are their names and habits? I also plan to make a small zoo. Please give me some advice in this respect. Which animals should I keep in my zoo? From where can I get these animals? What should I give them to eat?
I am waiting for your reply anxiously. Say my 'Salam' to dear uncle and aunt.
Your loving Friend,
There are three degrees of comparisons
The positive e.g. tall.
The comparative e.g. taller.
And the superlative e.g. tallest.
If an adjective has 'e' at the end we add r or st. e.g.
Large ................................. Larger ................................ Largest
Brave ................................. Braver ................................ Bravest
For adjectives of one or two syllables we add 'er' to make comparative or second degree and 'est' for making superlative of an adjective or third degree. e.g.
Tall Taller Tallest
Long .................................. Longer ................................. Longest
Small ................................. Smaller ................................ Smallest

There are a number of adjectives which are changed to comparative and superlative degrees as e.g.
Good .................................. Better ................................... Best
Much ................................. More ..................................... Most

Remember that we use the comparative degree to compare two things. e.g.
This is a better place than that one or which is the better of these two books?
The superlative degree is used for more than two things. We use 'the' before the superlative degree. e.g.
Islam is the best religion or
December is the coldest month.
Q:2 Supply the most suitable form of the following adjectives in the blanks.
i) I have many friends but my brother is my ----- friend. (good, better, best)
ii) Amar is 5 feet tall.
Azam is 5.1 inches tall.
Aman is 5.2 inches tall.
Who is the ---------- of the three friends? (tall, taller, tallest)
iii) K2 is the ------------ peak in Pakistan (high, higher, highest)
iv. Amer got 95 marks, Arshad got 80 marks and Aslam got 75 marks in English. Who got the ----------- marks? (high, higher, highest)
Q:3 Match part of the sentence in column 'A' with the relevant part of the sentence of column 'B' to make a complete sentence.
Kindness is a great (1) A
milk. (4) B
A universal law (2) A
branded on the face. (3) B
Animal should not be (3) A
in many ways. 6 B
Cows and goats give us (4) A
branded on haunches. (5) B
The animals can be (5) A
prevents hunting and killing of animals and birds. (2) A
Animals serve us (6) A
is love. (7) B
God (7) A
virtue. (1) B


LESSON 04 P1 --- Little Things (Poem)

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Little drops of water,
Little grains of sand,
Make the mighty oceans,
And the little moments,
Humble though they be,
Make the mighty ages,
Of eternity;
So our little errors,
Lead the soul away,
From the paths of virtue,
Into sin to stray,
Little deeds of kindness,
Little words of love,
Make our earth an Eden,
Like the Heaven above.
(Julia A. Carney)

Often little things in life indicate great changes. As little drops of water make mighty oceans, similarly little deeds of kindness can make us dear to even our enemies and thus make this world a happy place to live in.


i) Explain the main idea of the poem in your own words.
Ans: We should not look down upon little things. Every thing has its importance, how little it may be. As we see every big and great thing is made up of little things. An ocean is made up of little drops of water. Little grains of sand make a big desert. In the same way little errors become big sins. Little deeds of kindness and love console the hearts and bring happiness in this world.
ii) How do little deeds of kindness make our life happy?
Ans: Little deed of kindness and little words of love though little in it selves, but they have much importance in spreading a pleasant influence. They may make happy the gloomy hearts. They may console the broken hearts. They may make smile the weeping persons. They can make us dear to even our enemies and thus make this world a happy place to live in.
iii) Explain in your own words the second stanza of the poem. Elaborate in your own words in a paragraph of 100 words the message the poet gives in these lines.
Ans: So our little errors, Lead the soul away, From the paths of virtue, Into sin to stray, Little deeds of kindness, Little words of love, Make our earth an Eden, Like the Heaven above.
In this stanza the poetess says that our little mistakes and wrong doings bother us. These mistake make our mind and soul dirty. We cannot feel the difference between wrong and right. We cannot keep good company. Our errors and mistakes make us blind of mind and heart. Neither we can think nor understand any thing. Little words of love and little deeds of kindness can make us dear to even our enemies. And thus we can make this world a happy place to live.
iv) How can we make our own surroundings an Eden? Take help from the poem to write an essay of about 150 words.
Ans: Every thing has its own value in the world. Little things make big bodies. Many drops of water make a mighty sea and running water. Like this little grains of sand make big, vast and beautiful land. Short moments of time turn into never ending ages. In the same way our little errors make our life hell for ourselves and for others. Our little deeds of kindness make this world heaven for us and for others. Therefore, we should love and respect our elders. We should be kind to our youngsters. As a result of this every one will love us. There will be an atmosphere of love and peace everywhere and this world will turn into heaven. It is said tat sweet words have magical effect. Likewise, good deeds give everlasting peace and pleasure. Therefore, we should talk to others with love and respect. We should also do good with others.
Q:2 Write down all the rhyming words which come at the end of each line.
Ans: (sand, land) (be, eternity), (away, stray), (love, above)

Q:3 Use five of these in sentences of your own.
Little, mighty, moment, humble, errors, stray, deeds of kindness
i) Islam advises us to avoid little sins.
ii) The ship sank in the mighty ocean in a few moments.
iii) Every passing moment brings our death nearer to us.
iv) God likes those who are humble and pious.
v) A wise man always learns from his errors.
vi) The poet way straying along the bank of river.
vii) Deeds of kindness give us the real happiness.
Q:4 Fill in the blank spaces with the correct words to complete the lines below.
Little drops of __________ (water, milk, syrup)
Little grains of _________ (wheat, sugar, sand)
Make the mighty __________(mountain, country, ocean)
And the beauteous ___________ (jungle, forest, land)
Punctuation marks:
a) Full stop (.) is used at the end of a sentence.
Example Birds fly high.
b) Question mark (?) is used when a question is asked.
c) Exclamation mark (!) is used when something is said in excitement or in exclamation.
d) Comma (,) is used.
i) After yes or no in a sentence.
Example: No, you are not going out.
ii) After words in a series:
Example: I saw lions, monkeys, elephants, leopards and many other animals in the zoo.
iii) Before direct quotation:
Example: He said, "Good morning, sir",
Q:5 Write these sentences in your note books using full stops, commas, question marks and exclamation marks where necessary.
i) Where are you?
ii) He said, "come back soon."
iii) Hello! How are you?
iv) I like yellow, blue, red, green, white, black, purple and orange colours.
v) No, you can't go yet.
vi) What a nice weather!
vii) Where are my books?
viii) What is the time?
ix) The sun sets in the west.
x) It is raining.

LESSON 05 P1 --- Rural and Urban Life in Pakistan

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Rural and Urban life in Pakistan
Suddenly a voice came from the dining table one fine day. "Today we shall take Hamid to the Liberty Market." Hamid had come from his village to visit his uncle in Lahore during summer holidays. The whole family got ready quickly and set out in a car for the liberty Market. Hamid was very happy and was enjoying city life with his cousins Nadir and Haris. He was much thrilled and had many questions in his mind. He was looking here and there in amazement. At last he spoke, "There is a great difference in the village life and the city life."
Uncle Jameel told Hamid that the urban life is much different from the rural life. There is a great hustle and bustle in a city. Hundreds of cars, buses, trucks, rickshaws and motor bikes are seen running on the roads. There are some animal driven carts and tongas too. Most of the people in the cities are either government servants or they have private jobs. In fact, people of all the professions live and work here. Cemented houses, shopping markets, officers, schools, colleges, universities, banks and parks are found everywhere. Mud houses are very rare. Nearly every house has water, gas, electricity and telephone connection. City bus service is available on very cheap rates. Wagons, taxis, rickshaws and tongas are also used for transportation.
They reached the Liberty Market and parked their car at a parking place, and entered the market.
"Nadir, it is so difficult to walk over there," said Hamid, "we must hold each other's hands so that we may not get lost."
Hamid looked at the departmental stores with big and well decorated shops. He said, "These shops are wonderful. I have never seen such huge, beautiful and well decorated stores before this."
Uncle Jameel told the children that a large number of villagers migrate to the cities and towns particularly after the crop season is over. The farmers and traders are attracted to these places. Here, they can work and earn lots of money. Many educated people who belong to nearby villages, prefer to settle in big cities.
Sometimes, due to limited housing facilities the rural and city folks both face a lot of problems. The urban life is a very busy life. One has to run with the time. This shows sharp contrast with the rural life style where one has enough time to sit together and enjoy 'gupshup'.
The smoke from chimneys, buses and trucks has badly polluted the city atmosphere. Another major problem in the cities is noise pollution. The loud music and frequent use of pressure horns in the crowded areas cause hearing problems. The fast and unruly traffic is causing serious accidents everyday. The only way to avoid all this is to visit some park, riverside, garden or a historical place.
There are a large number of government private hospitals and clinics. They have the latest equipments, and highly qualified staff of doctors, nurses and their assistants. A large number of primary and secondary schools, colleges and universities have been opened in the cities.
Haris: "There are places of entertainment like theatres, cinemas, museums, zoo and a number of places of historical importance."
Hamid: "Now I will tell you about the rural life. The rural areas consists of small villages. The inhabitants are mostly farmers and handicraft workers and other ordinary vendors. They are simple, honest and hardworking people. They live in mud houses with no separate kitchen and bathroom.
Drinking water, fuel, gas and electricity are the most rare facilities. Some of the villages, which are closer to a big town or city have the facility of electricity. Health care units, schools, post offices, banks and roads are very few and located at great distances. However, nature is quite open, abundant and generous. Fresh air, vegetables and fruit are readily available. Orchards, gardens and lush green fields present a pleasant and cooling sight to the eyes.
A person feels peaceful among green trees and plants. The farmers, tenants and other workers provide grains, cotton, vegetables and fruit of all kinds to the whole nation. Use of tractors, threshers and fertilizer by the farmers is common. Some poor farmers are compelled to use the old farming methods use to lack of funds. A large quantity of selected variety of agricultural produce is exported to earn foreign exchange for the country.
It can easily be observed that the city life has its own attractions whereas the rural life has its own charms. However, problems are everywhere, which can be solved with education and honest work.
Q:1 Use the following words in your own sentences.

Rural, urban, amazement, compared with, inhabitants, decorate, wonderful, permanent
Fresh air, pure food and peaceful atmosphere of rural life makes it lovable.
I like urban life for its modern facilities.
The child was seeing his toys in amazement.
Compare urban life with rural life.
The house was burnt but the inhabitants were saved.
The Muslims decorate their houses to celebrate the Eid-Miladun Nabi.
The scenery of Murree is wonderful.
Good deeds give us permanent happiness.

Q:2 Translate the following paragraph into Urdu.
Not Necessary
Q:3 Write ten sentences about the rural life.
Ans: Village life is quite different from city life. It is free from the problems and troubles we have in the city. Pure air, pure food and pure atmosphere is available in the village. It is quite noiseless. There are no factories in a village which may disturb us. There is no traffic of cars, buses and other vehicles to confuse us. The sounds that we hear in the village are mostly those of birds and animals and carts, moving along dusty roads. The voices of the villagers are at times heard in the streets or in the fields. There are green crops around the villages. We find fresh and clean air, free from the smoke of factories, buses and machines. But the inner parts of the villages are not clean.
Q:4 Write ten sentences about the urban life.
Ans: Life in a city is very fast. It has all the facilities and comforts of modern civilization. People seem in a hurry Everything is available in a city. You can have every luxury provided you have money. People living in villages are attracted by the comforts of city life. They come to the city in search of employment. There is a tendency of transfer of population from a village to the city which results in increase of population in cities. It gives rise to many problems like lack of accommodation over crowdedness and unemployment.
Q:5 Active Voice
Nadir had read the book
Passive Voice
The book had been read by Nadir.
i) Change into Passive Voice.
(a) Open the door. (Active Voice)
Let the door be opened. (Passive Voice)
(b) He opened the door. (Active Vioce)
The door was opened by him. (Passive Voice)
© He spoke a few words. (Active Voice)
A few words were spoken by him. (Passive Voice)
Passive Voice
He was given some money by his father.
Active Voice:
His father given some money by his father.
ii) Change into Active Voice.
(a) A letter was written by Kamran to his wife. (Passive Voice)
Kamran wrote a letter to his wife. (Active Voice)
(b) My breakfast has been prepared by my mother. (Passive Voice)
My mother has prepared my breakfast. (Active Voice)
© Songs are sung by her. (Passive Voice)
She sings songs. (Active Voice)
(d) Students are taught by teachers. (Passive Voice)
Teachers teach students. (Active Voice)
(e) An essay was written by him. (Passive Voice)
He wrote an essay. (Active Voice)
(f) The bicycle was repaired by him. (Passive Voice)
He repaired the bicycle. (Active Voice)
Q:1 Fill in the blanks with appropriate words?
i) Today we shall take Hamid to Liberty Market.
ii) He was very thrilled and had many questions in his mind.
iii) Most of the people in cities are either government servants or they have private jobs.
iv) Many educated people who belong to nearby villages, prefer to settle in big cities.
v) Now I will tell you about the rural life.
Q:2 Encircle the correct answers of the following Multiple Choice Questions?
i) There is a great _________ in village life and city life.
(a) diference (b) difference (c) difference (d) differences
ii) Hamid looked never before well decorated _______
(a) rikshaws (b) tongas (c) people (d) shops
iii) Mud houses are very ______________
(a) real (b) rare (c) roar (d) rear
ii) The major problem of the cities is __________
(a) illiteracy (b) ignorance (c) pollution (d) animal
iii) In the _________ we can see the things related our history and forefather's culture.
(a) zoo (b) museum (c) gardens (d) cinemas
vi) Wagons, taxis, rickshaws and tonga are also used for
(a) air service (b) transportation (c) shopping (d) amusement
vii) The whole family got ready quickly and set out in a car for ________ Market.
(a) Shahdara (b) Anarkali (c) Liberty (d) Shadman
viii) The urban life is a very __________ life.
(a) easy (b) busy (c) wonderful (d) strange
ix) Orchards, gardens and green fields present a pleasant sight to __________
(a) eyes (b) village (c) road (d) city
Q:3 Write "True" or "False"?
1. Illiteracy is the big problem in cities. - F
2. Urban life is much different from rural life. - T
3. Hamid was not enjoying the city life. - F
4. Rickshaws are very rare in cities. - F
5. All education people belong to nearby village. - F
6. Another major problem in the cities is noise pollution. - T
7. The rural areas comprise of big villages.
8. A person feels peaceful in green trees and plants. - T
Q:4 Match the column "A" with column "B" and write your answer in column "C".

_________A ______________B _______________C
1 Houses made ------------- are very rare ---------- of bricks
2 Mud houses are ---------- wonderful -------------- are very rare
3 These shops -------------- care units -------------- are wonderful
4 The urban life is ---------- fields ------------------- very busy life
5 Health -------------------- fertilizer ---------------- care units
6 Lush green --------------- everywhere ------------- fields
7 Threshers and ------------ very happy life ---------- fertilizers
8 Problems are ------------- of bricks ----------------- everywhere
Q:5 Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences?
1) here was looking and there with amazing eyes he.
Ans: He was looking here and there with amazing eyes.
2) available on very cheap rates city bus service is.
Ans: City bus service is available on very cheap rates.
3) the market entered then they.
Ans: They then entered the market.
4) bus life is a very a urban the.
Ans: The urban life is a very busy life.
5) plants persons feels green peaceful in and a trees.
Ans: A person feels peaceful in green trees and plants.
-------------- OOO --------------------- OOO -------------------

LESSON 06 P1 --- Chinese Wisdom

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Back in the third century A.D. the Chinese king sent his son Prince Tai to a temple to get education from the great master Pan Ku. Prince Tai was to succeed his father as king. Pan Ku was to teach the boy the basics of a good ruler. When the Prince arrived at the temple the master sent him alone to the Ming-Li Forest with the advice to meditate and discover the various sounds in the forest. After one year the Prince was to return to the temple to submit his findings of the sounds before the great master.
When Prince Tai returned, Pan Ku, the great master at the temple asked the boy to describe all that he had seen or had heard during his stay in the forest.
"Respected Master," said the Prince, "I could hear the cuckoos' song, the leaves' rustle, the humming birds' hum, the crickets' chirp, the grass' blow, the bees' buzz and the winds, whisper". When the Prince had narrated all that he had experienced the master ordered him to go back to the forest again. He told him to stay for another one year to listen to what more he could hear. The Prince was puzzled by the master's new order. "Had he not discerned every sound and explained everything to the master already?" Thought the Prince to himself.
He went back to the forest again for one more year with the advice to meditate and discern the various sounds in the forest.
For days and nights, the young prince sat alone in the forest listening to the sounds more attentively. But e heard no sounds other than those he had already heard. Then, one morning, as the prince silently beneath the trees, he started to discern faint sounds unlike those he had ever heard before. The more closely he listened, the more audible and clearer the sounds became. The feeling of enlightenment enveloped the boy. "These must be the sounds the master wished me to discern!" He reflected.

When Prince Tai returned to the temple, the master asked him what more he had heard. "Respected Master," responded the prince reverently, "when I listened most closely, I could hear the unheard sound of flowers opening, the sounds of the sun warming the earth and the sound of the grass with the morning dew."
The master nodded approvingly:
"To hear the unheard," remarked Pan Ku, is a necessary discipline to be a good ruler. For, when a ruler has learned to listen closely to the people's heart, hearing their feelings un-communicated, pains unexpressed and complaints not spoken of, only then he can hope to inspire confidence in his people. He can understand when something is wrong, and meet the true needs of the citizens.
The demise of states comes when leaders listen only to superficial words and do not go deeply into the souls of the people to hear their true opinions, feelings and desires.

Q:1 Answer these questions.
i) Why and where did the king send his son?
Ans: The king sent his son Prince Tai to the temple to study under the great master Pan Ku.
i) Where did the master send the prince?
Ans: The master sent him alone to the Ming-Li forest.
ii) After how long was the prince to return to the temple and what was he to describe?
Ans: After one year the prince was to return to the temple to describe the sound of the forest.
iii) What did the prince describe to the master when he returned from the forest after a year?
iv) What did the great master order the prince to do after he had finished
Ans: The prince said, "Master, I heard the cuckoos sing, the leaves rustle, the humming birds hum, the crickets chirp, the grass blow, the bees buzz and wind whisper."
v) Had the prince already discerned every sound?
Ans: No, the prince had not discerned every sound already.
vi) What happened when the prince went back to the forest?
Ans: One morning, as the prince sat silently beneath the trees, he started to discern faint sounds unlike those he had ever heard before.
vii) What were the remarks of the master when the prince had explained him all about his new experience in the forest?
Ans: The master said, "To hear the unheard, is a necessary discipline to be a good ruler."
ix) What are the characteristics of a good ruler?
Ans: A good ruler has deep insight. He can understand the real problems, worries and hardships of people. He can meet the true needs of the people.
"The demise of states comes when leaders listen only to superficial words and do not penetrate or go deeply into the souls of the people"
The leaders of a state like to hear the people praising them. All the time they love to hear good things said about them. People use artificial and superficial words to praise them. As years pass by, leaders become used to this kind of attitude. They do not look deep into the souls of others and cannot understand their feelings. They do not like to hear any thing said against themselves even if it is true. States ruled by such people do not flourish well. They do not make progress and come to a downfall. We must speak true of others when they are wrong, so that they may correct themselves.

LESSON 07 P1 --- Woman Arise

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Nation building is a multi dimensional term, involving the entire nation at all levels. For the past few decades, a remarkable social and political awareness has been awakened particularly among women. There is a visible urge in them to strive for a better life. They are also keen to contribute towards the development of their country and the nation. With the growing economic pressure, the income of a single member is not enough to feed all of the family members. Women are, therefore, keen to find means of adding to their family income. They want to improve the standard of living and ensure better future for their children. For this, the women of our country are making their way into the national stream of progress. Women are working as teachers, professor, doctors, nurses. We see them as specialists in various medical fields. Talented women are working efficiently in PIA, TV and radio as programme organizers, producers, artists writers, newscasters, announcers and comperes. In the field of journalism women are contributing to the national development as editors, correspondents, reporters, feature and column writers.
Many young girls are working in banks, business and insurance companies, and in textile mils. Women have also come forward as social workers. In the field of law, women are working as lawyers and judges in courts. Some energetic young girls have also joined the police force. We have had women politicians as Prime Minister, Education Minister and also as heads of various institutions of the Education Department.
Women of our country are also being self employed. They are running boutiques, manufacturing garments and earning foreign exchange by exporting ready made garments. They are also running private schools and day care centers.
The rural woman has always worked with her male members in the fields. She shares the work of man on equal level. She works from dawn to dusk at home and in the fields. For the development of our country women have to be encouraged to participate and work more for the progress and prosperity of the nation.
Q:1 Answer these questions.
i) Why have women socially and politically aware?
Ans: The political and economic crisis and the fast growing social problems have made women socially and politically aware.
ii) Why do women want to contribute towards the development of their country?
Ans: Women want to contribute toward the development of their country because with the growing economic pressure, the income of a single member has shrunk.
iii) Name at least ten professions in which women are working?
Ans: Nursing, Teaching, programming, Operating, Designing, Sewing, Knitting, Medical Profession, Acting and Journalism.
iv) What is self employment?
Ans: Self employment means to earn a living by working independently of an employer.
v) How are women contributing in the field of journalism?
Ans: In the field of journalism women are contributing as editors, correspondents, reporters, features and column writers.
vi) How do rural women share the burden of their men?
Ans: They share the work of men on equal level. They work from dawn to dusk at home and in the fields.
vii) Why should women work?
Ans: Women should work for themselves, for their men and children. In this
way they can serve their nation and country.
Q:2 Write a paragraph on the life of a woman who is working outside home to earn for their children.
Ans: Mrs. Zahida Malik is our neighbour. She has three children Aslam, Akram and Salma. Aslam reads in class six, Akram reads in class four and Salma reads in class two. Mrs. Zahida Malik's husband is a school teacher. His income is less than his expenditures. So, Mrs. Malik has to work to add to income of her family. She works in an office. She has to go to office at 8 a.m. daily. She has to walk two kilometers daily to re ach her office. Her husband goes to school on his bicycle. He cannot help her because he also has to reach his school daily at 8 a.m. His school is seven kilometers away from his home. Mrs. Malik works from morning till evening. After it, she has to walk to his home because she has not enough money to pay for conveyance. When she comes back home she has to do all home work. She has to serve her children and husband till late at night. She is a great woman. She is working hard for better future of her family.
Some major field and areas where women are working:
Teachers, Professors, School Headmistress or Principals etc.
Medical field
Doctors, Nurses, Laboratory Assistants, Medical Assistants, Surgeons etc.
TV and Radio Programme Organizers, Producers, Directors, Artists, Writers, Newscasters, Announcers, compares etc.
Editors, Feature and Column Writers, Correspondents, reporters, etc.
Crickets, Hockey, Golf, Table Tennis, Yachting etc
Textile Mills, Insurance companies, Banks etc.
Self employment
Boutique, exporting garments etc, foreign exchange, private school.
Law and Judiciary
Barristers, Lawyers, Legal Advisors, Ombudsman etc.
Prime Minister, Chief Minister, Member National Assembly, Member Provincial Assembly.
Rural Field
Farmers, Cultivators, etc.
Q:3 Chose any one area from the list above and write what profession would you like to adopt in life.
Ans: I want to become a doctor. I wish to set a new trend of treatment. We hear a lot about corruption, negligence and rudeness in medical profession. I shall remove all the evils breeding in hospitals and dispensaries. I have determined to serve mankind efficiently in the best interest of humanity. I shall live within my means and try to treat the poor and the needy free of charge. No chowkidar will be asked to stand on the door of my office. People will freely see me and get their treatment. They will not be charged consultation fee Medicines will not be charged very high. I shall be available to the patients round the clock. There will be no hide and seek between us. I shall win their hearts with my treatment towards them. May God enable me to get my ideas into practice. .

Q:4 Read these sentences carefully and write "true" or "false" in the box.

i) Doctors fly aeroplanes. - False
ii) Nurses cannot fly aeroplanes. - True
iii) Teacher can encourage the students to develop self study habits. - True
i) A banker does not work in a bank. - False
ii) A compere is the organizer of a cultural programme. He/she introduces the performer to the audience. - False
iii) People who play games do not study. - True
iv) Men and women in the villages work from dawn to dusk. - False
v) Each one of us must work hard to make Pakistan a great nation. - True
vi) Women cannot do any job except teaching and nursing. - True
vii) Women of our country are taking to self employment. - False



LESSON 08 P1 --- Evening (Poem)

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The day is past, the sun is set,
And the white starts are in the sky;
While the long grass with dew is wet,
And through the air the bats now fly,
The lambs have now lain down to sleep,
The birds have long since sought their nests;
The air is still; and dark, and deep

On the hill side the old wood rests,
Yet, of the dark I have no fear,
But feel as safe as when it's light;
For I know God is with me there,
And He will guard me through the night
For God is by when I pray,
And when I close mine eyes in sleep,
I know that He will with me stay,
And will all night watch by me keep,
For he who rules the starts and sea,
Who makes the grass and trees to grow,
Will look on a poor child lie me,
When on my knees I to him bow,
He holds all things in His right hand,
The rich, the poor, the great, the small;
When we sleep, or sit, or stand,
Is with us, for He loves us all…
(Thomas Miller)
The poet, in this poem, describes his feelings when the evening sets in and a gloomy darkness fills the whole atmosphere. But the poet is not afraid because he remembers God all the time. God will be with him while he sleeps. God will protect him because he prays to Him. God loves all His creatures: the rich, the poor, the great and the small. Since God is love, we also must love one another and remove hatred from this world. Only then there will be peace and love everywhere.
Q:1 Answer these questions.
i) How does the poet describe the evening in the first stanza?
Ans: The poet says that the sun has set in. The gloomy darkness has filled the whole atmosphere. But the poet is not afraid of darkness because he remembers God all the time God is powerful. God rules the stars and the sea. He made the grass and the trees. The long grass has become wet with dew. In the silent evening the bats are flying.
ii) What do the lambs and birds do when the evening sets in?
Ans: When the evening sets in, the lambs lie down to sleep and the birds get into their nests.
iii) Why is the poet not afraid o f darkness?
Ans: He believes that God is with him all the time and protects him. Therefore, he is not afraid of the darkness.
iv) Who rules the starts and the sea?
Ans: God Almighty rules the stars and the sea.
v) Who makes the grass and trees grow?
Ans: God Almighty grows the grass and trees.
vi) How does the poet bow before God?
Ans: The poet bows on his knees before God.
vii) How does God treat all people? How are the people described in the poem?
Ans: God loves all his people equally. The people are rich, poor, great and small.
viii) What is the theme of the poem?
Ans: The poet conveys the message that we should love one another and abolish hatred from this world.
Q:2 (i) Point out the rhyming words in each stanza?
Example: 'set' in line 1 is rhymed with 'wet' in line 3.
Ans: Set-wet, sky-fly, sleep-deep, nests-rests, fear-there, light-night, pray-stay, sleep-keep, sea-me, grow-bow, hand-stand, small-all..
(ii) Try to make sentences of the rhyming words.
Note: The rhyming words come at the end of the line in the poem.

Set ---- The sun sets in the west.
Wet --- My handkerchies is wet.
Sky ---- The stars are shining in the sky.
Fly ---- Birds fly in the air.
Sleep -- She sleeps in the room.
Deep -- The well is very deep.
Nests -- Birds make nests.
Rests -- Aslam rests in the evening.
Fear --- He fears of me.
There - There is no body in the room.
Light -- We can read in the moon light.
Night -- We sleep at night.
Pray --- I pray five times a day.
Stay --- Please, stay here for some time.
Sleep -- He sleeps on the roof.
Keep -- I keep the pen in my pocket.
Sea --- Pearls are found in the sea.
Me ---- Please, show me your pen.
Grow - We grow wheat.
Bow --- I bow only before God.
Hand - It is my right hand.
Stand - I will stand by you through thick and thin.
Small - He has a small house.
All ---- All is well that ends well.

Note: The rhyming words come at the end of the line in the poem.
Q:3 Write "T" for true statement and "F" for false statement.
i) The day is past and the sun does not set. - F

ii) In the evening the bats fly in the air. - T

iii) The birds have gone to their nests for rest. - T

iv) In darkness I do not feel safe. - F

v) I pray to God before I sleep. - T

vi) God rules the stars and seas. - T

Q:4 Read the poem carefully and write short answers to the following questions:
i) Name the heavenly bodies mentioned in the first stanza.
Ans: There are only two heavenly bodies mentioned in the first stanza (i) the sun and (ii) the white stars.
ii) Which animal is mentioned in the second stanza?
Ans: Name of the animals mentioned in the second stanza, is the lamb.
iii) How does the poet feel in the dark in the third stanza?
Ans: The poet is not afraid of the dark. He feels himself as safe in the dark as in the light. Since he knows that God in with him all the time and he will guard him through the dark or night.
iv) How does the poet communicate with God?
Ans: The poet communicates with god by describing beauties of the nature such as the sun. The moon the stars, the sea, the sky, the frees and the grass. He also remembers (communicates). Almighty Allah when he closes his eyes in sleep. When he raises hands for prayer and when he bows down on his knees as he knows that God is with him all the time.
v) What is mentioned growing in the fifth stanza?
Ans: There is mentioned growing of the grass and the trees in the fifth stanza.
vi) Write the kinds of people mentioned in the last stanza?
Ans: The poet has mentioned four kinds of the people in the last stanza i.e. the rich, the poor, the great and the small.
Note: Heavenly bodies: the earth, sun, stars, planets etc.
Q:5 Match with the opposites:
Rich ----------------------- Poor
Left ----------------------- Right
Dark ---------------------- Light
Wet ----------------------- Dry
Now ---------------------- Then
Find ---------------------- Lose

LESSON 09 P1 --- The Chinese New Year

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The Muslims follow the Hijri calendar. The first month is Muharram, which begins on the sighting of the moon. However, there comes a difference of ten days each year because the moon completes its revolution round the earth in shorter time than the sun.
The Hindus celebrate the seasons and their festivals are connected with seasons of the year like spring, harvest time or the beginning of the rains.
The Christian calendar (Gregorian Calendar) always stars on the 1st of January and ends on the 31st of December each year.
Although the Chinese follow the English calendar as do all other people in the world. But according to the old Chinese traditions they have a cycle of twelve years, which is followed in the Chinese society only.
Each year is given the name of one of these animals rat, ox, tiger, hare, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, chicken, dog and tortoise. This cycle is completed in twelve years and then starts again. For example, if 1988 was the dragon year, the next year, that is,1989 would be the snake year and so on.
Each Chinese month starts on the day of the new moon so that the full moon comes on the fifteenth day of the month. There are 29 or 30 days I n each lunar month. They also have 12 months in a year and the new year always starts between January, the twenty first, and February, the twentieth.
Before the New Year Day, some traditional Chinese families clean out their houses very carefully. The female family members make many kinds of cakes and other sweet dishes. Everybody buys new clothes for the family feast on the New Year's Day. The Chinese people believe and hope that the sweet sticky juice cake will keep their kitchens stored with a lot of bread, rice and other food cereals.
The religious Chinese go to the temples to burn incense and other fragrant sticks and make offerings to their gods. Inside the hose, bright red banners are stuck on the walls, saying, "May the whole family love in peace! And also, "May the rice jars be filled to the top with rice!"
Red is a favourite colour with the Chinese. They believe that red colour is for life, strength and valour.

On the new year's Eve, there is a big family dinner. All the family members are invited to this dinner and are supposed to be present there for the great meal. Even if they have to travel many miles to reach the home of their parents, the Chinese do gather to have the meal with their older generation.
Old quarrels and petty disputes are forgotten. Everybody tries to be the first one to forget quarrels and welcome the members of the opponent family. Soon, all the differences are forgotten. The Chinese believe that all debts must be paid on the last day of the y ear.
After the dinner, the children keep awake to welcome the New Year. Some people think that the parents will live longer if their children keep awake to greet the New Year. The lights switched on the New Year's Eve remain on for three to four days as good omen.
The New Year celebrations last for fifteen days from the new moon to the full moon. On the first day, the children and unmarried people go to visit their elders, and greet them with wishes for a happy, prosperous life. Often they give a cup of tea to their elders and receive red packets containing money.'
The first meal on the New Year must not contain any meat. After the meal is over, people go to the temples to pray for peace, good health and give thanks for the happiness of the past y ear. Parents do not scold their children on the first day of the new year, and avoid quarrels so that the new year may be a happy one.
The Chinese people believe that the whole year will be as good or as bad as New Year's Day and the harsh or rude words on this day will bring a bad year for them.
The house must not be swept out on this day, otherwise all the good luck will be swept away.
On the second day of the year there is a lot of fun and friends' visits. Shops are opened on the second or the fourth day but remain closed on the third day and people stay at home. They think that opening of shops on the third day will bring bad luck.
There is a great feast on the seventh day. The Chinese believes that the man came into the world on the seventh day, so this is a birthday for everybody. People serve raw fish with vinegar and spices on the seventh day.
On the fifteenth day or the day of the full moon, fire crackers are lit to frighten away evil spirits. In the evening young girls throw oranges into the sea or river. As they do this they say a silent prayer that will help them find a good husband.
The young men throw dried carrots into the river and pray that they find a good wife. The full moon shines on the land of the Chinese where the celebrations come to an end at midnight.
Write short answers to the questions below.
i) Name the animals the Chinese years are named after.
Ans: The Chinese years are named after 12 animals. Their names are rat, ox, tiger, hare, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey.
ii) If 2002 was a horse year, what name will be given to the year 2003?
Ans: The year 2003 will be a goad year.
iii) When does each o f the Chinese month start?
Ans: Each Chinese month starts on the day of the new moon.
iv) How many days are there in each lunar month?
Ans: There are 29 or 30 days in each lunar month.
v) When does the new year start?
Ans: The new year always starts between January the twenty first and February the twentieth.
vi) What do some of the traditional families do before the New Year's Day?
Ans: Before New Year's Day, some traditional Chinese families clean out their houses very carefully. The female family members make many kinds of cakes and other sweet dishes. Every body buys new clothes for the family feast on the New Year Day.
Q:2 Read the lesson carefully and answer the following questions.
i) Where do the religious Chinese go and what do they do there?
Ans: The religious Chinese go to the temples to burn incense and other fragrant sticks and make offerings to their gods.
ii) Which is the favorite colour of the Chinese? What does this colour mean to them?
Ans: Red is a favorite color with the Chinese. They believe that red colour is fore life, strength and valour.
iii) Describe the New Year's Eve and the special functions on that day.
Ans: On the New Year's Eve (last day of the year) there is a big family dinner. All family members are invited to this dinner and are supposed to be present there for the great meal. Even if they have to travel many miles to reach home of their parents, the Chinese do gather to have the meal with their older generations.
iv) Do people keep the old grievances and quarrels in mind on the last day of the passing year?
Ans: Old quarrels and petty disputes are forgotten on that day.
v) How many days do the celebrations last?
Ans: The New Year celebrations last for fifteen days from the new moon to the full moon.
vi) What do the Chinese believe and do on the first meal of the New Year?
Ans: The female family members make many kinds of cakes and other sweet dishes. The Chinese people believe and hope that the sweet sticky juice cake will keep their kitchens stored with a lot of bread, rice and other food cereals.
vii) Why is the fifteenth day or the full moon celebrations so special, especially for the young, unmarried people?
Ans: On this day the young, unmarried people say a silent prayer for their life partner. Young girls throw oranges and the young men throw dried carrots into the sea or river and pray to find a good life partner.
viii) Why are children happy on New Year Day? Give three reasons?
Ans: The children are very happy on the New Year's Day for the following reason:
i) They get new clothes.
ii) They get many kinds of cakes and other sweet dishes to eat.
iii) They receive money from their parents.