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Monday, March 9, 2009

LESSON 12 P1 --- Abu Ben Adhem (Poem)

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ABOU BIN ADHEM (May his tribe increase!)
Awoke one night from a deep dream of peace,
And saw, within the moonlight in his room,
Making it rich, and like a lily in bloom,
An angel writing in a book of gold:
Exceeding peace had made bin Adhem bold,
And to the presence in the room he said,
"What writest thou?" – The vision rais'd its head,
And with a look made of all sweet accord,
Answer'd, 'The names of those who love the Lord,'
'And is mine one?' said Abou. 'Nay, or not so,'
Replied the angel, Abou spoke more low,
But cheery still; and said, 'I play thee, then,
Write me as one that loves His fellow men.'
The angel wrote and vanished. The next night,
It came again with a great wakening light,
And show's the names whom love of God had blest,
And Lo! Bin Adhem's name led all the rest.
(Leigh Hunt).
Notes:Abou bin Adhem, a born price, was a great saint who gave up a highly comfortable life for the service of mankind and love of God.
The poet through the example of 'Abou bin Adhem' teaches us to love our fellow men if we want to be blessed by God's love. He, who is patient and thankful, is loving and gentle to God's creatures, and returns good for evil, and subdues his passions and forgets his own self for others, will receive a great reward – the love of his Lord.
Q:1 Answer these questions.
i) What was the angel doing when Abou bin Adhem saw him within the moonlight in his room?
Ans: He was writing in a book of gold..
ii) What did Abou Adhem ask the angel?
Ans: He asked the angel, "What are your writing?"
iii) What did the angel tell Abou bin Adhem?
Ans: The Angel told Abou Ben Adhem, "I am writing the names of those who love God."
iv) What did Adhem ask the angel again when the angel told Adhem that he was "writing the names of those who love the Lord?"
Ans: He requested the angel to write his name among those who love His fellow men.
v) What did the angel tell Adhem?
Ans: The angel told Adhem that his name was not among the names of those who loved the Lord.
vi) What did Adhem beg the angel to write about him?
Ans: He begged the angel to write his name as lover of the human beings.
vii) Did the angel appear again?
Ans: Yes, the angel appeared again the next night.
i) Where was Abou's name written amongst those who loved God?
Ans: Abou Ben Adhem's name was at the top of the list.
ii) Explain lines 1- 10 of the poem in simple English.
Ans: Abou Ben Adhem was a pious man. One night he was enjoying a sound and peaceful sleep in his room. Suddenly he awoke and saw his room flooded with moonlight. The light was increasing the spiritual value of the scene. In the light he saw an angel writing something in a golden book. The noble nature dared. Abou asked the angel what he was writing. The angel raised his head and willingly told he was writing the names of those people who loved God.
iii) Write a short note on Abou bin Adhem.
Ans: In this poem the poet describes an even in the life of Abu Ben Adhem. He was a pious man and the leader of a tribe. He had a meeting with an angel who was writing the names of those people who loved God. Abou's name was not in it. Abou requested the angel to write his name as one who loved his fellowmen. The angel did so and vanished.
The next night the angel came again into his room and showed him the names of those who had been blessed by God's love. Abou bin Adhem's name was at the top of the list. It means if you want to get God's love, you should love your fellow beings.
Q:2 Choose the correct answer.
.i) Abou woke one night from a
(a) sound sleep (b) dream (c) deep dream (d) deep dream of peaceii) His room was filled with
(a) sun light (b) men (c) star light (d) moonlight
iii) An angel was writing
(a) a book (b) a diary (c) the names of those who love the Lord
(d) the names of those who hate the people
iv) Abou made a request to the angel to write his name in the list of those who
(a) love the Lord (b) love the people (c) work hard (d) play the games
v) The angel wrote the name of Abou
(a) at the bottom of the list (b) in the middle of the list (c) on the top of the list
(d) in his book


abdul moiz said...

it is very help ful for tudents of 9th class. thanks!! a lot

sheza said...

explain the poem in 1-10 line......question's answer is not complete becoz adhem's asked the angel to check name was in that list and many other things are not mentioned in the answer

Anonymous said...

Tnx 4 ur help.I request u that plzzzz add the paraphraising of the stanzas of the poems Allah bless u.

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot

Unknown said...

Thankx a lot with a great memories

Unknown said...

Thankx a lot with a great memories

Anonymous said...
